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Party Proactive Preview: interview with Pete Wardman

Reported by Less is Bat / Submitted 01-03-05 13:53

The forthcoming Party Proactive on 11th March is not short of Big Name DJs. A succulent line-up is promised indeed with the likes of *Ting*, Kevin Energy and Simon Eve to name just a few of the DJs dishing up the action on the night. BUT! There’s one man that has us all dreaming of the dance floor in anticipation and excitement (especially Paul Jack, co-founder of Proactive) and that is the one and only PETE WARDMAN!

Having been involved in the dance music industry since the age of 17, Pete’s career has taken him on all kinds of adventures – from establishing a radio station to being a resident at Trade. His production skills are enviable and his back catalogue proudly lists tunes which many rank as ‘classic anthems’. With a forthcoming release on Proactive Records and his eagerly awaited set at Party Proactive on 11th March, I caught up with the man himself to get the inside info on his musical past, future and love of things Northern!

Pete, I’ve read that both of your parents were music teachers and that your involvement in music started at a young age. Care to tell us what instrumental skills you have besides DJing?

I was kind of forcibly ‘encouraged’ by mum and dad to learn the piano from the age of 6 or 7. I also learnt to play the clarinet at school, on the promise that “once I’d got the hang of it… I could go on to play the saxophone” (which was what I really wanted to be playing but there weren’t enough saxophones at school to go around!). I did all the grades on the piano, but with the clarinet I stopped at grade 5 and haven’t touched one since!
The irony is how useful learning the piano has been to me now, working in the studio – so in retrospect I’m very grateful for being forced to practice as much as I was when I was young!

You’ve been involved with many different aspects of the music industry from setting up Power FM to production and DJing. Which aspect of your career are you most proud of?

I’m very proud of my achievements at Power FM after we launched in 1992. Running a radio station which was competing head-on with Radio 1 for an audience AND we were doing it on about budget 800% less than the BBC, was exceptionally challenging!

I guess though there have been successful moments (and some not so successful ones!) in most parts of my career. I’d prefer to remember the good bits though! I’m very proud to have been a part of one of the best clubs ever (Trade), and I think I deserve some green shield stamps for sticking with Kiss FM got almost 10 years when I was there!

You’ve had a prosperous and extensive career. Is there anything you still long to achieve?

Yes! But I’ll talk to you again if and when they are achieved!

Your career has influenced a lot of young DJs. Who were your biggest influences?

I’ve been influenced by loads of people, but especially those who are (or have been) totally committed to what they do. When I was 16 I was lucky enough to strike up a friendship with Anne Nightingale (Radio 1’s first female DJ – she’s still going strong there and doing a brilliant job – as enthusiastic about new music as ever!). She took me ‘under her wing’, gave me loads of advice and tried to instil in me some self-confidence when I was at an age when I had none. I’ve always thought of her as ‘my mentor’ although quite why she was so nice to me (a spotty 16 year old) I will never know, but will be forever grateful.

You’ve worked with a great many DJs and producers in your time. Who did you enjoy working with the most?

Working at Trade has probably led me to work with the most influential – from the ‘original crew’ of Malcolm Duffy, Tony de Vit, Steve Thomas, Ian M and Alan Thompson to the ‘Trade future’ crew of Malcolm (still there like me!), Gonzalo and BK. Some of the best times I can remember were at Trade Birthdays and taking Trade on tour (esp. South Africa 1997). In the studio I have had fun working with Baby Doc, Rachel Auburn, Red Jerry and now Ryan Fisher. At Kiss FM, we used to have a ball doing the yearly ‘Kiss in Ibiza’ weeks – I’ve spent happy hours in the company of Judge Jules, Roy the Roach, Brandon and Alex P – All talking nonsense and watching sunsets…wouldn’t change it for the world!

Sounds like you have some tales to tell! And while you’re down memory lane… you began DJing at 17. Does it still give you the same buzz?

When it’s a good night, at a good club, with a great crowd (and I’m playing decent records) DJing is still as exciting as it ever was! When its not…I’ll stop.

There are a lot of new faces pushing hard to make a name for themselves in the industry. Any tips on how to succeed and survive the test of time?

The best tip I can offer is to learn to be yourself with the music you play. Even now, I hear too many DJs playing literally ALL the same records but in a slightly different order. There really is no point in this. Much better to be a ‘first rate’ you than a ‘second rate somebody else’. Another good tip (Tony de Vit told me this one) is that ‘it’s better to be a 7/10 all the time than a 10/10 once in a blue moon.

Sound advice from a man who knows his stuff! Party Proactive is back! We are all looking forward to your set in March… care to give away any hints as to what we can expect?

To be honest, I never really plan sets at all in advance. I’ll know what I’ve got with me in the boxes and roughly where I want to take the set, but it’s important to ‘fit in’ with the DJs before and after your set. I know that I want to play out as much new stuff as possible and road test their reaction on the dance floor! I guess there will also be a few requests for the odd classic tune as well.

We look forward to road testing the new tracks with you! The Party Proactive crowd seems to have been planning their outfits for the last month – with colour and creativity in abundance! Style-wise, do you chuck on whatever is nearest or do you dress to impress when you are playing out to a crowd?

I’d love to claim that I’m a fashion guru(!), but as everyone who knows me would tell you – I dress casually, love clothes that are comfortable and don’t often rise above the ‘scruff’ category.

Well, perhaps we shall see you in splendour yet! I’m excited to hear about your forthcoming release on the Proactive label. What styles and sounds will we be hearing from you in 2005? Any collaborations?

The track we’ve signed to Proactive Records is called Drop It (the Trade birthday anthem) – Wardman and Fisher. We called it that as it was made for Trade’s birthday in October 2004 and it went down massively on the dance floor. I gave Andy Farley a copy around then and he has kindly been caning it! Proactive were one of the first labels to want to sign it. We’ve done a flip side called Orgy Mad which is a much more linear kind of track (not as many riffs and no breakdown, but a track to use as a ‘build’ in a DJ set). We also have Things People Say on Tripoli Trax, a follow up to Energy Overload on Energy UK records and also a mix of Love Will Save the Day on Toolbox records. As for collaborations, there are a few in the pipeline and one project in the making, but I wont talk about them yet as I don’t want to jinx it!

Although it’s only January, some are already hailing 2005 as the year of breaks. At Party Proactive we’ll be hearing a blend of breaks/electro/house in one room and hard house and pumping dirty hard dance in the other. If you weren’t DJing which room would you spend most time in?

I really couldn’t say until I got there. I guess it would depend on who was playing, what kind of mood I was in and which room my mates were in! At the recent NYE event from ‘Slinky/Slammin Vinyl’ held in Shepton Malet, I probably spent more time in the happy hardcore room than the hard house/trance room! The level of energy given off by the crowd there was absolutely unbelievable! I stood there, grateful that people still get off on music that much when clubbing – it was fantastic.

And on a separate note, you may be interested to know that a Google search of your name revealed to me a website, run by a ‘Pete Wardman’, called ‘Northern Cavy Fanciers’ (Quote: The Northern Cavy fanciers are all about guinea pigs, we love guinea pigs, breed guinea pigs, show guinea pigs and live guinea pigs, so come on and join us!) Have I unearthed a secret hobby? And if guinea pigs aren’t your favourite animal, what is?

Ok...ok...I’ll come clean and reveal the SHOCKING TRUTH: The fact is…. This website has absolutely nothing to do with me! Sorry! However I do fancy lots of other northern stuff (but the associated websites I run are under pseudonyms you know… to be careful). My favourite animal is probably a coin toss between giraffes and Malcolm Duffy.

Top animal choices there Pete! Thanks so much for letting me drag you away from the studio to answer these questions; you are free to return now! We’ll see you at Party Proactive on 11th March!

Thanks to t419kgo,, matt@ukclubpix and Party Proactive for the photos.
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Other Features By Less is Bat:
Celebrating the launch of Party Proactive at its new Turnmills home — an interview with D.A.V.E. the Drummer
The HeatUK and HarderFaster Xmas Payback Party — reviewed!
The freaks come out! Riot Spooktacular reviewed
Party Proactive is coming: interview with Soto of Botchit and Scarper
Squelcher VS Guilt — The Beach Party review
The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: James Nardi on 1st Mar 2005 14:28.17
A true legend. Respect Pete!

From: Less is Bat on 1st Mar 2005 15:16.21
He is a legend - Top bloke cant wait to see him play out!

From: *Ting* on 1st Mar 2005 16:22.12
HOORAH 4 Pete! Really enjoyed meeting you at Blast, and am looking forward to properly talking with you this time.

From: paul jack on 1st Mar 2005 16:42.09
boooooooooooooowai indeed cant wait for this!

From: Camden Nurse on 1st Mar 2005 20:07.49
Sorry I can't be there guys, but best of luck!

From: littlemissgenki on 1st Mar 2005 23:40.41
Wicked interview with a legend! Nice work guys.

From: TEK-DJ Management on 2nd Mar 2005 00:06.54
Wicked interview there Pete! Hope to see you soon.

From: Letty Bird on 2nd Mar 2005 07:54.24

From: bennett on 2nd Mar 2005 10:05.01
wicked interviewee & lovely interviewer! Blush
top stuff all round Thumbs up

From: steelo kuchiki on 2nd Mar 2005 14:10.26

an honour to be on the same flyer Thumbs up

From: Jacob on 2nd Mar 2005 21:18.08
Great interview Jess! As far as hardhouse dj's go- I think 'ICONIC' isn't a bad description for Pete. This party is gonna rock, make nooooooooooo bones about it!

From: Less is Bat on 2nd Mar 2005 22:04.18
Ahh thanks Jacob my love! See you soon Kiss

From: Simon Rutherford on 3rd Mar 2005 12:52.44
Possibly the biggest presence behind the decks I've ever witnessed (and I don't just mean cause he's tall!). Legend!!

From: Danny Gilligan on 3rd Mar 2005 14:54.59
Legend! cant wait to see ya again mate! going to be a wicked party!

From: J_T on 3rd Mar 2005 18:58.58
i miss the pete wardman show on kiss, i used to love saturday nights, just gettin over the friday night, pete used to rock it,, and his set for the essential mix from mardigra is still in my MD player..

Anyway i digress, wicked interview, glad to hear the wicked wardman is still going strong..

From: ~deleted12163 on 4th Mar 2005 10:40.41
I havn't seen this guy live since 1998...!

From: sunvisordude on 4th Mar 2005 18:02.07
pete of the few! a dying breed.

From: Maria on 5th Mar 2005 15:22.16
WOW Jess what a clever interview!!! I really like Pete but unfortunately will miss him at Proactive as I'll come back to London only for Easter. Hey *Ting* and Paul...I promised to come to the next one for sure! Love you all!!!

From: Banga Matt on 6th Mar 2005 06:39.51
boowaaaaaiiiii all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

From: Less is Bat on 7th Mar 2005 10:34.56
Thanks MAria my sweet, much appreciated xxx

From: papa_lazarou on 8th Mar 2005 00:53.51
Quality animal question, liking that a lot Big grin The next time you interview someone can you show them lots of pictures of hats and ask them to choose their favorite? Scratches Chin Wink

From: klubkid on 9th Mar 2005 16:38.44
hey pete, wikkid words from one of the wisest souls i know in the industry! love ya buddy

From: NUMBERPLATEGIRL on 9th Mar 2005 16:55.26
Pete is my all time favourite - gutted I cant make it Frown This man is a legend Not worthy...

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