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BrainWave: A New Safe Legal High!?!

Reported by littlemissgenki / Submitted 06-02-04 19:58

A legal high that uses the latest technology to take you to a safe alternative state of consciousness? Sounds too good to be true, but after trying BrainWave a few times while I’ve been in various moods and states at a couple of Twisteds, Antiworld and Magna NYE, I’m converted. An added bonus is that scientific research shows it can indeed be beneficial for a range of stuff including meditation, dyslexia and memory. Did I mention it also makes you feel f*cking amazing?!?

So what is BrainWave? The BrainWave stall consists of seats with sound and visual connections plumbed into each—music via headphones and light stimulation via SLEDs within glasses the user wears. When the two are played together the brain generates Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma brain waves, taking users to various states of consciousness. In other words, if you’re clubbing, it will take you up, or, if you’re already up, it’ll take you higher. The visual aspect is something I love, but of course everyone's different.

“One user at Tidy said she saw elephants and another said they saw faces. Andy Farley's comment was simply ‘Fucking amazing!’ said one of the two Toms who runs BrainWave. The first time I tried it was at a Twisted last year. I had just had a couple of drinks and had absolutely no idea to expect. As Tom describes it, “When we took it to Twisted we had Hils & Sol Ray from Upfront and also Tara of Their faces said it all, grinning all the way more than ya nan’s cheshire cat, with Sol Ray punching the air shouting Yahooooo!!!”

Not only was I smiling during the session, but I couldn't stop smiling for quite a while after! During the session I saw some wicked visuals (mainly just shapes and colours) and the music had me floating around. The closest thing I could compare it to would have to be a mushroom trip, the main difference of course being that as soon as I took off the headphones and glasses, I was legally straight again, and just had a great feeling of peace and well being.

I went back a few hours later when I wasn't quite as sober... OK, I was quite drunk by then but hadn't done any drugs at all... and yet again it took me right up, possibly even higher than before with some more wicked visuals and colours. I must admit that afterwards, while I was on a high and couldn't stop smiling for about half an hour, I did start to feel a bit jaded later on. However I have a strong suspicion that was more due to the amount of alcohol consumed over the space of the evening (probably about 8 hours of drinking in total but I had started clubbing early that night!) and the fact I'd been up all night by then without any chemical aid! It made me determined to try BrainWave again in a variety of different states before I wrote about it, to see what the short and long term effects might be.

The next time I tried BrainWave was at the following Antiworld—Tom and Tom have a regular gig at SE1—and had dropped something I knew wasn't going to be too strong about half an hour earlier. I hadn't had any alcohol or other drugs and had been in a happy relaxed state of mind beforehand (I would like to say that's always the case but then you'd know I'd be lying!). Putting on the sunglasses and headphones I still felt straight, but after a few minutes under I would say I was experiencing what I can only describe as an extremely visual trip, which not only took me up very quickly but kept me there for a good amount of time afterwards. Suffice to say I loved it and was smiling for a long time afterwards. Fact: if you're coming up, BrainWave will take you up even further in a short period of time.

At this point I was very tempted to write a glowing report about how brilliant BrainWave is and tell you all to try it, but I still wanted to experiment a bit more before I put my alias alongside a review. I was determined to try BrainWave when I was a lot messier, and see what the short and long term effects might be. So it came to my next time at SE1, and I made sure that not only had I been drinking, smoking and had a couple of beans (oh the sacrifices made to bring you this story!), but that I waited until a bit later on in the evening. Once again, BrainWave still managed to give me some wicked trippy visuals—in short, it took me to an even higher state of consciousness and kept me smiling for ages after I'd taken off the sunglasses and headphones.

While my experiences with BrainWave kept confirming to me everything I'd read about it being a great safe high, or even meditational tool (love that feeling of well-being and oneness with the universe after a good trip!), it also made me very curious about what the down side might be. I personally hadn't had one in all my times trying it, but nothing can be that simple, can it? Users must sign a disclaimer saying they don’t suffer from any heart condition, high blood pressure, pregnancy or epilepsy. There's got to be a good reason for that, doesn't there?

“We have approached medical experts about any implications that may arise and can refuse people if they are not in any fit state, due to sleep deprivation, excessive alcohol or drug taking. We constantly monitor each user to ensure they are OK and should they feel it is to much then we will tell them. It is surprising, however, the appreciation we have from users, those who love it and those that we do have to take off, because we do care for the safety of its user,’ explains Tom.

But what does this really mean? As if to answer my curiousity, the next time I was at SE1 for the very wicked Prime Mover Live PA at Twisted (see separate review) I saw my one and only BrainWave casuality. A tall well-built guy, who was obviously a lot more wasted then he let on to Tom and Tom (or let's face it, probably even to himself), convulsed and ended up on the ground recovering. It was only a week after the near-riot at a drum & bass night at SE1, so the bouncers must've been well edgy before this happened, and certainly stood around the stall for a long time making sure that everything was OK for a while afterwards.

Watching first hand the way Tom and Tom handled the big wasted guy, putting him in the safety position after he'd finished convulsing and staying with him until he was not only relaxed but as close to smiling as I suspect he'd get, I know you're in safe hands. One Tom has considerable medical training and it shows: he was extremely professional throughout, not leaving the patient for a second while negotiating bouncers and others wanting to use the stall. Fact: like any drug, legal or illegal, if you’re feeling a tad monged, a bit wasted, or even a tiny bit edgy, maybe chill for a bit before you do it, or save it for another time. Brainwave will take you very high very quickly if you let it—and personally, I've enjoyed the experience!DJ

BrainWave is back at SE1 for Twisted Saturday 7 February

For more information email or go to

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Other Features By littlemissgenki:
HeatUK (The DVD) – From The Backyard To South West Four - World Premier Preview: Interview with SnowBall Productions
Paradise City 001 Preview: From free parties in pubs to private jets—interview with Antiworld promoter Enrico Sorbello
Blatantly Brisk: interview with Paul Nineham
Paradise City 001 preview: interview with Mauro Picotto
Never Enough Maria: Interview with the Queen of Hard Dance
The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: HelloKitty on 6th Feb 2004 22:43.56
I saw some people using this at the tidy weekender, I did get a bit put off after seeing some people start doing some mild convolsions and twitching, They of course were taken straight off the machine, but it was a bit off putting.

From: V.J. FX on 7th Feb 2004 06:40.28
I have owed one of these from 1992 and used to use it on allot of acid when i was younger they help your trip go up by a factor of about 4 and are also good for learning how to use your brainwave patterns the system is call entrainment and it works on the basis of brain waves can be mesured in hz and follow the hz of what the lights are doing. you can on some programs work towards hemisync and even both sides of your brain both left and right hemispheres. etc etc
has a part in who i am and what i can do thats for sure
great fun

From: V.J. FX on 7th Feb 2004 06:43.37
Oh by the way part of what i use in my VJ sets is based on the stuff above, i used to know paul makkena and learnt allot about how the mind works from him among others
I run some of this stuff at points in my sets which is part of the reason so many people get messy with what i do Eek!

From: V.J. FX on 7th Feb 2004 06:50.17
Range name Frequency Amplitude Effect
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz high (up to 200uV) Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz low (5uV - 20uV) Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz high (up to 200uV) Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz low (less than 10uV) Highly alert and focused - day to day normal range
Other less known about frequencies (documented in several places)

Part of Theta 7Hz ? Mental and astral projection, psychic surgery
Part of Theta 7.5Hz ? Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity, contact with spirit guides; entry into meditation
High (above normal frequencies) 63Hz ? Astral projection / Astral Travel
High (above normal frequencies) 83Hz ? Third eye opening for some people

From: V.J. FX on 7th Feb 2004 06:51.51
Have a safe trip ill see ya all on the other side of the genetic jumpgate Thumbs up

From: Lana M on 9th Feb 2004 13:56.00
i think ill try it see what its like if i evern stumble across it in a club

From: FrankyB on 12th Feb 2004 13:50.07
fuck that shit

From: Lashed-Up on 12th Feb 2004 16:43.04
Whoa, BrainScan eat your heart out!

From: alex_k on 17th Feb 2004 17:06.59
wow, that's a really good "infomercial".

From: alex_k on 17th Feb 2004 17:09.58
for the same results @ home, simply download the brainwave generator (ftp search bwgen.exe or just google it). it outputs binaural frequencies too and simulates the LED pulses of this kit. best of all, it's free! been usin it for ages. i'm currently developing a free plugin for it that also uses alpha colour techniques to bring you further down the rabbit hole.

From: acidantlitmus on 18th Feb 2004 19:16.21
If you listen to Techno then the alpha,beta,gamma and theta waves are produced by this sound.You will not require the use of a headset and can dance off a few pounds.A hallucination is a reward.You need to put some physical energy into it in order to get an intense experience.When you hallucinate it is the true spirit world being revealed to you, the potion you take is the litmus paper revealing it to your mind.All you have do do is let go !!!!!

From: tom w on 21st Feb 2004 15:53.39
Firstly, any mild twitching (which is NOT an epileptic seizure) that has been seen is of no major risk. Put simply, it is a reaction to the bright lights that are penetrating the brain! Of course, we operate under the most stringent safety protocols and monitor every clubber who has a go. We go out of our way to prevent any incidents. However, as with strobes in clubs, there are the inevitable few that will have an adverse reation to strobes. This is why we 'screen' for epilepsy before allowing any person a go. If you do suffer from epilepsy and deny it to yourself and us then...what can we say?!
Secondly, you cannot get exactly the same results at home with brainwave generator. It is of the same principle in that it can help cause brainwave entrainment. (i.e) your brain starts firing its own frequencies due to the frequencies it interprets from either speed of light or the difference between the beats in your left and right ear!!! But the effect is less pronounced and can happen much less quickly with an audio version.
Thirdly, you cannot get this effect from just listening/ feeling techno!! It is true you can get great effects from being in the middle of a sweaty dancefloor playing techno. However, our Brainwave stalls are completely different and are designed to take you on a journey in a round 6.5 mins with the overall effect being very subjective varying from person to person!!
Finally, it has been recently understood that the use of 'mdma' or 'e' (only these 2 it seems) can increase the sensitivity of photo-sensitive epilepsy in prone people. Again, this is why we 'screen' for epileptics and we are currently looking into producing some free info leaflets on this, that will be available at our stalls in the future. This is not only of relevance with what we do, but also to any person going to any club that uses strobe lighting! We get ALOT of advice from medics/ doctors/ etc..

For further info on stalls availability etc..

Tom w- (the other Tom!)
07973 533 178
Brainwave AVS - director

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