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Timeless: Unforgettable...

Reported by bunny / Submitted 29-08-02 21:06

*Ding* *ding*

Seconds out, round two!

This is my second bout at Timeless and I’m really not sure what to expect. The last one floated my boat like the iceberg buoyed up the Titanic but this time around comes (along with a line-up straight out of an episode of The Sky At Night) the promise of a Lab4 classics set... and anyone who made it to Mainframe at Milton Keynes will know just what that means Smile

By the time we’ve negotiated the cloakroom it’s coming up to 1pm and already we can hear some seriously good beats coming up through that entrance tunnel, but I still have my doubts... I can remember all to clearly the relentless anthems, the non-existent air-conditioning and the elbows-pinned-to-your-sides conditions of last time... but then Dave T sticks two fingers up to my suspicions. We make it into the main room just as that gorgeous hard house mix of We Come One drops, and I practically swan-dive off the balcony onto the dancefloor. TUNE!!!!

So we’re less than an hour into the gig and already the place is:

1. Virtually full.
2. Going for it 110%
3. Happier than the Laughing Cow on laughing gas

At just after one we remember about the HarderFaster room at the Black and White bar and head upstairs, but it seems like everyone else is still downstairs suffering from amnesia so we say a quick hi to Tom then head back down again to round up some troops. By the time we make it back up a large chunk of Camden Palace has beaten us to it and the bar is going strong, so we find a space on the floor, do a little homage to Zebedee, then head out onto the top balcony to take a butcher’s down upon the faithful.

Frantic have really pulled out all the stops with the décor this time. There’s a fabulously funky inflatable suspended above the dancefloor showing non-stop images of ravers from past nights really giving it some (along with just about everyone else I had to do a double-check during the night to make sure it wasn’t us up there Smile ) and judging by the blend of colours that’s coating everyone and everything, I think our lighting for this event comes courtesy of Animal from the Muppets and the Teletubbies. Love it!!!

Yep, this is certainly shaping up to be much better than a poke in the eye with a bust glo-stick!

Ian M’s now on the decks in the main room, whipping up the crowd with a harder but still bouncy beat. Back on the dancefloor everyone’s working up a sweat, but thanks to the all-new, bigger, badder air-conditioning, this time around umbrellas are not needed Smile Happiness is definitely the word of the moment – looking around the scene is like Manga meets Mills & Boon, lots of Cybergear and scowls of concentration but if Darius were here right now, he’d certainly be feeling the love in this room, hehehe!

At two O’clock there’s one last burst of uplifting Hard Trance from Ian M. and the crowd show some well-deserved appreciation. By now the lasers are primed, the stage is set and we’re all ready for Lab4. From the moment they take to the stage it’s clear that this is going to be a less of a cruise down memory lane and more Hard House does the Fast and the Furious. I know quite a few people thought it was too hard too soon but I’m a total glutton for punishment and it can never be hard enough for me! One hour of the purest, meanest, nastiest tracks around... I love the way Lab4 sneak the tempo change up on you, so it’s not until the last quarter of an hour that you realise your legs have kicked the laws of physics and gravity in the delicates and taken off for an entirely new dimension. From 3.45 til 4pm there was more ballistics on that dancefloor than in the entire Iranian arsenal!

Thankfully, there’s Ed Real on hand next to dish out some pure euphoria that keeps all the bouncier sections of the crown more than satisfied. Have to say it’s just what’s needed to calm everyone down while still being uplifting enough to keep everyone going strong. I know there were some excellent tunes going on in this set but I was enjoying myself too much to make a note of them. Doh! Sorry! Top set though – nice one!

Up next comes the first Reynolds set of the afternoon, care of Phil. Oh my word. Just incredible, tune after tune after tune... I was up on stage in the thick of it and can confirm that everyone present had the very finest and most sparkling teeth! I even made notes of tracks (well, two anyway)! Baby Wants To Ride and the dirtiest mix of Twisted I have ever heard (judging by the sound from the dancefloor when this came on I’m guessing everyone else loved it just as much... either that, or someone just dropped a live tarantula down everyone’s pants Smile ). What a spectacular, sensational, superlative set. Full marks, gold star, the lot!

Andy Farley and Anne Savage take over and from the very beginning they’re showing no mercy. (I think I’ve forgotten how to sit down by now anyway!) Both Dj’s bring their signature harder edge to the music but keep it playful enough to keep us all stomping like the nutters we are. I take a look around and even the ravers up on the top balcony, where the sound quality’s at its dodgiest, are going hard. COME ON!!!

The tracks are dropping like atom bombs, lasers are well and truly ripping the place apart (I love the ball thing, they did, very trippy) and for the third time in a row Camden Palace is treated to another absolutely fabulous set! I take back all my previous gripes about Timeless – this really rocks, hehehe!!

Ok, so we’ve arrived at the ultimate set of the afternoon. I’ve never seen Tara Reynolds close a rave before but then I’ve also never seen her play anything approaching a bad set, so when you add this together you get a very excited Bunny!

I have to applaud Camden Palace for installing a trampoline under the main dancefloor... at least, that’s the only explanation I can find for the amount of bouncing that was going on from seven onwards Smile Tara is totally kicking ass and we’re loving it! With all-time classic tunes like Bad Ass, Move Your Body, Remedy and Jonah’s Listen (although there’s fat chance of getting everyone to be quiet now Smile) hitting hard, people are losing it left right and centre. I launch into a competition to see who can bounce highest... and win, naturally, hee hee!!

By the time 8pm rolls around we’ve rode the last wave of elation and my make-up’s done the cosmetic equivalent of continental drift. I couldn’t give a monkey’s though, with a head-full of new best-ever memories, a dozen unforgettable tunes still spinning round my brain and the knowledge that I’ve been at the best event of the Bank Holiday, it’s hard to imagine how I could be happier...

... Besides, I reckon mascara can look pretty fetching on your chin! ;-)

The next Frantic event is Chemistry on the 31st August. For more details click here

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The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: chiwi on 4th Sep 2002 16:02.00
Just read your review and I totally agree with it!!! Honestly, this was the BEST Timeless I've been to (of all the Timeless since 2001) and by 8pm I was ready for more. The best thing about it? Having the stage put up beside the speaker sets. Big grin Welldone Frantic!!!!

From: UFS… on 5th Sep 2002 13:34.51
...think u hav a built in trampoline of yr own sweets... whats it like up there???

...& Timeless finally living up 2 its name 4 me as well!!!

From: DiscoStu on 5th Sep 2002 14:52.34
I agree, totally, this was a WICKED dance-party. My fave moment was when Tara played Ssssh...Listen and the place went into fucking orbit. Nice work Mrs. R. Smile

From: Pete The Laser Man on 6th Sep 2002 15:54.24
must say probably one of the best events i have worked at this year!! glad you liked the ball thing!!

From: hyper2002 on 7th Sep 2002 13:10.57
only frantic can fill the palace on a sunday afternoon.
top bash. i fill sorry the people who didn't go

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