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H2O - Review

Reported by tom / Submitted 13-06-02 16:04

This wasn't the first boat party I've been on, that honour goes to the Impact Boat Cruise, an overnight trip to Hamburg on a passenger liner converted into a 24-hour party palace which was possibly the best weekend of my life. I remember at the time a friend of ours refusing to come along for fear of leaping overboard in a moment of insanity but as far as I know they never lost anyone to drowning although some people didn't come back entirely normal Wink

H2O is held on a boat called 'The Dutch Master' leaving from Swan Pier, (nearest tube Monument). Due to an almost too predictable f*ck up with London Underground Roll eyes (sarcastic) we were seriously pushing the 'arrive at 11:45 depart at 12' directions from the promoters but as it turned out we managed to scramble aboard at about ten past 12 leaping the gang plank between the pontoon and the boat. The boat's a good size, consisting of three decks with the bottom deck holding the main dance floor, DJ's camped at the front (alright it's called a boW I know Roll eyes (sarcastic) ) of the boat, a middle deck of the same sort of size but without a sound system (we're told there will be speakers up here relaying the sound for the next party) and finally an outside area / top deck that's fulfills more of a chillout role. Overall a capacity of around 300 people.

All the important stuff seems to be taken care of: there's a couple of bars which even serve Snakebite Eek!, toilets which are pretty decent for a boat and certainly better than anything the Camden Palace offers and plenty of space outside in the open air to chill out. It certainly made for a nice change to be able to hear banging tunes but not be locked into a sweaty underground cellar somewhere in south london. It is a bit of a shame was that speakers couldn't be placed outdoors so that when it does get sunny it would offer an Ibizan style party in the sun so that everyone can pretend they're millyunaires 'avin it on the back of their own private Sunseeker... ah well you can't have everything, the residents living by the side of the Thames apparently won't stand for it Crying (very sad)

We asked the promoters (and also DJs on this boat party), Craig P and Jon Rundell, what sort of music policy they are going to have in place on future H2O's: "The music policy is going to vary, as people are on the boat and have no where else to hide expect on the open deck we don't want them to get bored. So the DJs we have chosen on specific dates are for a reason, eg the next party Ben will warm things up, Jon'll play a bit groovy in a Kaktai and party style vein, Paul will hammer it and Phil will do his hard trance thing. Its really important each DJ plays a different style so that people don't get bored and don't keep hearing the same tunes."

It is quite a unique experience, for a start you'll probably never get this kind of opportunity to watch your favourite DJs up close, being able to dance 3 feet away from someone like Andy Farley yet in the background the sights of London are drifting past, it's a real treat and definitely offers something different to anyone getting tired of 'regular' clubbing. From Jon's point of view they're running the parties because 'they're different and its more of a relaxed fun day out as oppose to a serious club night'. Apparently there's a few extra challenges in there as well such as 'Making sure I don't throw up, leaving on time, dealing with other sea sick passengers & making sure everyone knows about it, word of mouth is incremental to its success'.

Was it any harder playing on a moving boat ? "It was much harder, the needles kept moving when the boat hit a bigger wave and every time you looked up you saw different land marks and couldn't help but keep looking, when I looked behind me at one point we were going through the Thames barrier and I was thinking, where the F*** are we going ? Then the next time I looked behind me we were in the middle of nowhere, barren land either side of us and I thought that we must be on the edge of the channel !"

The next party will be held on the 6th July and will feature the talents of Phil Reynolds, Paul Glazby, Ben 'the boat king' Yong and Jon Rundell at the helm. After that the parties will run monthly until September, with possible links as pre parties with Tasty, Tidy London and Riot.

One big question we had to ask before we left: what do you do if you absolutely HAVE to get off ? "Just have another beer and relax" Smile

Make sure you catch at least one boat party this summer.

For full details of the next H2O party click here.

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Other Features By tom:
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The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: Riff and Raff on 15th Jun 2002 19:09.37
We were on this trip - it was lovely how to be a real tourist and enjoy the city. We could heear people along the banks going " there goes the neighbourhood" - property prices should be dropping soon - Riff and Raff

From: Jon Rundell on 17th Jun 2002 09:59.19
Riff and Raff, qaulity!
Gald you enjoyed it and Ill see you onthe next one, make sure you come and say hello !

From: beac on 21st Jun 2002 17:43.41
Absolutly amazing is all I can say!!! We went with a big group of friends (which has now doubled in size for the next one) and everyone had the best of times!!!
Cant wait for the 06/07/02....!!!
c ya all

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